Thursday 16 January 2014

Somebody Has To Say It #2: Having A Crush is Totally Depressing

Thesaurus defined crush as "to break, pound or grind into small fragments or powder"; "a usual temporary infatuation." Either way, the end product is always similar, broken. 

Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeppp. Gosh, I get it. Moving along.

Frankly, having a crush on someone isn't always depressing. What's depressing is that it remains as a crush forever. We all are aware of the love cycle; strangers, crush/friends, love. Yes, but this isn't just an ordinary Barbie tale. This is life. We all have wandered into our classrooms, workplace or even campus, peering and glancing quickly at one specific person. We sigh and chant questions subconsciously, why isn't that person mine yet? or why can't I muster enough courage and boldness to tell the person about my feelings for them?

Why? Because we all are afraid of being crushed if we tell that person about our feelings.

Some of us have to realise that until we make a move, nothing will happen. You stare blankly at your mobile phone's screen. Her/his name and number written on the screen. You fingers smoothly drew closer to the green dial button on the left curvature of your screen. NO. NO. I shouldn't. What if she/he's busy? What if they find me annoying? And you cut to the home screen and switch off your mobile phone. PEOPLE. How can we assume that she's gonna cut the call if we never made the call?

To those that have managed to express their feelings and escape the valley of friendzones, congratulations. No, seriously. Friendzone is a horrible abyss. I've managed to actually express my feelings to my crush once. I was certain about my efforts, live or die trying. In the end, she admitted that she too have feelings for me. Stupid enough, I said that we shouldn't jump abruptly into a relationship, as it would throw both of our lives into chaos. C'mon guys, I was fourteen. 

Honestly, I'm not mocking anybody's crush in this mind-to-blog perception. This post isn't written to illustrate how hard you can get crushed by your crush nor to depict the struggles of having a crush. This is merely an advice to everyone out there who wake up, thinking that their crush will be theirs one day; you'll never get what you want if you don't go for it.

Go for that person. Tell that person that they're your world. 

A friend once told me, "you may be one person to the world, but you can also be the world to one person." 

Just another wild scribble,

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