Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Eureka bitches! The Science of Shower

"Everyone who's ever taken a shower has an idea. It's the person who gets out of the shower, dries off and does something about it that makes a difference." 

Nolan Bushnell.

You know you shouldn't be slacking off like this, a couch potato. Get up! It's way past twelve in the cloudy Saturday noon and you promised yourself that you will confront whatever that consumed half of your worries. Whether it was a homework accompanied with a deadline, a model that your teacher requires you to do or a presentation, you promised yourself that you will finish it, regardless of how nonsense your method is.

But there you are, slacking off. Wondering and worried, rather than putting your wasted thoughts into efforts. Maybe I need a clean start, a refreshment. A bath, precisely. Leaving the couch half-heartedly, you walked towards the cubicle-looking bathroom. Let's get started, your mind lied. You began to undress yourself, standing naked. Your fingers ran through the thermostat, turning the knob, every inch to right. Heat! 

In the shower, with the hot water coming down on yourself, thoughts begun it's way up into your mind. Thoughts led to ideas. Ideas led to problems. Problems seemed simple. You begun working up solutions. Creativity. Creative solutions. More ideas. Thoughts. Problems. Solution. A chain. A marvellous chain of wonders of thoughts. In a shower? 

Knock, knock! The Dark ages and the abnormally long Renaissance period have waded it's way through, yet we never really began accepting things that seem and deemed to be illogical right? To those who are reading this post out there, for your kind information and additional knowledge, bathroom is in fact the greatest studio that lets our thoughts and imaginations fly without borders nor restrictions.

Trust me, the occurrence of ideas isn't nearly a happenstance, but indeed a solid model of the renowned theory called "creative pause", first coined by Dr. Edward de Bono.

Creative pause is the easiest and the simplest method to enhance your brain's creative thinking ability. Creative pause is not a process of chained events that leads to creative solutions. There's a difference. Tadaaa, take it lazy buns! Creative pause is literally you clearing out every possible distractions in your head, including your sorrows, worries, disgust towards Kim Kardashian, dread for another burger and (especially) that Morgan Freeman voice that is narrating your life in your mind.

Brain Synapse
Science has given us some logical reasons why the Bathroom is the chamber that proves imaginations and thoughts. During showers, we are alone (some aren't, none of my problem), and that gives us a lot of space and time to reconsider events and thoughts that bothered us. With less or no distractions, our mind allows creative pause to take over, thus enabling the best of ideas to emerge.

While some of you geniuses might argue that the strong flowing of water accompanied with the sound it creates is indeed a distraction. Wrong! The subject of water is soft rather than distracting. The word water is synonymous to peace, calmness and quiet - the best conditions to enable creative pause to take over. The sound it makes is cited as white noise. White noise, similar to my previous point, is synonymous to calmness and helps mind to provoke creative thoughts easily.

And now the Award for the greatest idea ever discovered in the bathroom goes to ...


Eureka bitches! 

Ever had your very own moment of genius in bathroom? Wish to share it? Tell me and I'll blog about it. Comment and follow, have fun.


Sunday, 8 December 2013

Conspiracy theories behind the death of Diana, Princess of Wales

Diana. Die-ana. Goodness sake, what am I writing here! I seriously apologize for my horrible sense of humour.

Diana, Princess of Wales, was always an icon and an inspiring woman through decades of her life. Her wedding to Charles, Prince of Wales, attracted seven hundred and fifty million global television audiences. Constrastingly, happy endings are only fairy tales aren't they? Diana and Charles' marriage came under much scrutinity after both ended up having affairs. Diana began her relationship with Major James Hewitt whilst Chales reignited his romances with his former girlfriend, Camilla Bowles. Both blamed each other for the collapse of their marriage. They eventually divorced on 28th of August on 1996.

Before leading up to core conspiracy theories, pay close attention to Diana's post-divorce life and pre-death. Diana eventually dated a heart surgeon, Hasnat Khan, but their romance ended in June 1997. Many of Diana's close friends cited that Hasnat was the love of her life. Later, she began her relationship with Dodi Fayed, son of her host that summer, Mohamed Al-Fayed.

Diana's Death

On 31st August 1997, Diana was involved in a car crash, which also took the lives of her love, Dodi Fayed and the driver, Henri Paul. The only lone survivor of the fatal crash was Trevor Rees-Jones, Diana's and Dodi Fayed's bodyguard. The crash took place at Pont de I'Alma road tunnel of Paris, France. The car was travelling on 105 kilometres per hour when it swerved to the left and crashed on the 13th pillar of the road tunnel. 13th? Whaadup numerology? The blamed was Henri Paul, who was consuming alcohol before the fatal incident. Blood samples found that he had been consuming three time more alcohol that the France driving alcohol limit. Okay, case solved! Or was it?

The Conspiracy Theories

Henri Paul was never drunk
To prove this one, you gotta find the world's greatest alcoholic person and give him the same amount of alcohol consumed by Henri Paul and see whether he looks sober. According to the French authorities', Henri Paul did consume alcohol, not bits but by a large volume. Contrastingly, the British pathologist hired by Al-Fayed reject the idea. Al-Fayed also claimed that the CCTV footage of Paul that evening didn't show any signs of him being sober.

Richard Tomlinson claiming MI6 was involved
Tomlinson was a former MI6 agent and was largely responsible to the rise of theories claiming Diana's death wasn't an accident. Tomlinson claimed that MI6 staged her death and was keeping tabs of her prior to the fatal accident. According to him, Diana's death mirrored the plans he saw in the 1992 for the assassination of President of Serbia, Slobodan Milošević. Operation Paget eventually found the memo that Tomlinson refers to, but it was a proposal to assassinate a different person, if he had rise to power, not Slobodan Milošević. He now lives in France as a professional pilot. Yes, lesson learnt. Don't screw up things with MI6.

Marriage with a Egyptian-Muslim Dodi Fayed
Prince Harry and Charles were definitely in line to succeed the throne during Diana's living days. According the claims, the idea of a future king's mother and a prominent Egyptian Muslim having engaged, married would not be "tolerated."

Diana was pregnant?
The mother of all theories. This is absurd fake. Al-Fayed's desperation to win the court was obvious here. Regardless of my opinions, I shall tell. Al-Fayed claimed that Diana was pregnant and she and Dodi Fayed were looking a new room for their baby at the villa owned by Al-Fayed at Paris. He continued that they were there for at least two hours and were in the company of an Italian interior designer. A security guard working at the villa, Murrell felt uncomfortable about lying and proceed to handover the CCTV footages of the villa during the couple's visit. He also admitted that their visit barely lasted 30 minutes and there wasn't any Italian interior designer accompanying them. Murrell resigned whilst Al-Fayed sued him for breach of contract for handing over the CCTV footages.

There are though many other conspiracy theories surrounding this, such Diana being a faithful seat belt user, so why didn't she wore them? Why did the hospital authorities rushed to embalm Diana's body? Was a Fiat White Uno involved in the crash?

I grew up to my mum telling my stories that MI6 killed Diana and I was always fascinated with all this theories. Tell me what you think and what other conspiracy theories always fascinated you in the comments section below.


Saturday, 7 December 2013

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and why Carrie White and girls nowadays are synonymous?

Seriously? Who allowed Marc Webb to even certify Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man as the amazing one?

Though, I must say, the trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 was equally impressive to what Sony and Marc Webb promised. So, people, let's draw our attention to things we learnt from The Amazing (not-so) Spider-Man 2 trailer.

One, we got ourselves three villains, super-villains, apparently, because one isn't enough. Introducing Electro, a bluish monster, who overdosed blue detergent. Electro was introduced in a teaser, way before the official film teaser debuted. Jamie Foxx of Django Unchained portrays Electro, who was Max Dillon, an engineer who worked at Oscorp Industries. Next, Rhino. Who the heck is Rhino? Apparently, Rhino is a Russian mob, Aldkfjifeff Sdsidn. Yes, that's a Russian name. However Rhino of The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is artificial, machine made. What's up Transformers references. Finally, our classic friend, Harry Oscorp, with a horrible hairstyle this time.

Two, Oscorp Industries has been a bad bad boy. This whole film revolves around Oscorp Industries apparently, even establishment of Electro and Green Goblin's characters comes from Oscorp. One element that separates Sam Raimi's trilogy from this is the involvement of Richard Parker's dark past with Oscorp. With the aid of Harry, Peter managed to find, bit by bit, the secrets that should be left buried.

Three, Harry will be paying less attention to Gwen Stacy. Nooooooooooooooooo! Emmmaaaa Stonneeeee. Alright, I feel you guys. It's almost a cliche where the superhero has to sacrifice portions of his attention for his love while trying to save the innocent citizens of New York City.

Four, New York is getting smashed into pieces again. Seriously? Aren't there anyone out there who is getting tired of superheroes smashing through the whole city just to save a few citizens?


Why is Carrie White almost identical to girls nowadays? Well, they share the same things.

Bullying. Pressure she faces. Her annoying mother. Blood. And relentless hate and disgust towards innocent menstrual cycle.


Friday, 6 December 2013

Trust and 10 ways to make your school life memorable

Isn't it weird? Yes, it's always weird. Here's a thing, once while strolling leisurely on a park, I was confronted by an Indian old man. Deep down, I never liked having long conversations, especially deep ones. Yet, we continued having a long conversation. He was sweet, kind and particularly fit, for a man of his age.

Halfway through the conversation, he asked me, Young man, would you believe if I told you that the universe has one sextillion stars?

I don't have to an astronomer to know that right? So, I nodded. He sighed. Why? He continued, now would you believe me if I told you that the wall behind us still has wet paint?

Pfft. I stood up, inched the wall. I laid my index finger on it and yes, it still has wet paint. I sighed and turned towards the old man. He giggled and murmured, why do people blindly believe if someone told them that there are one sextillion stars in the universe but they refuse to believe that a wall still has wet paint, till they touch the wall themselves?

We left. Yours thoughts on it, anybody? Seriously, that literally made me wonder myself? Why? Damn, trust is one subject of complexion. On the sunny side of things, we are finally moving on from my pale ponderous story.


10 ways to make your school life memorable
One, have a girly diary like Tom Riddle/Lord Voldemort and throw it in the girl's toilets cubicle.
Two, speak a foreign language (even if you are terrible at it) to everyone, including and especially teachers all day long.
Three, ask your favourite teacher what's his or hers favourite alcohol brand?
Four, don't wear an underwear to school till someone catches you!
Five, when teachers are absent, bring out your favourite toys and play them alone in front of the whole class.
Six, propose to your crush and ask her out for a prom date.
Seven, wear a fake moustache at school all day long.
Eight, master the art of force from Master Yoda and defeat your arch enemy in the class
Nine, run into the school's assembly wildly whilst screaming, "Troll! In the dungeons! Thought you ought to know!"
Ten, wear a white wig and block your teachers path out from teacher's room while screaming, "You Shall Not Pass!"


That one dollar note that never came back

Boring and Saturday. Two words that can just never be synonymous to each other. Yet, that's how my day was. It was rather a boring day, customers rarely visit the sundry outlet that I was working in. Boom, an idea flashed through my mind. I threw my Ipad into a box, filled with plastic bags and took out a single dollar note from the cash machine. You could guess what I was gonna do already, anyways! I wrote in a black ball point pen, Have a pleasant day.

That was three years ago. I never got that note back nor have I seen it anywhere.

I was hoping the one dollar note would work it's way back to me, you know, the stranger who received it passes it on to someone, and someone and someone. Yeah, cut the crap. That though it extremely similar to the "paying it forward" theory. Let me explain how this works, you help three people without expecting anything in return and you expect them to do so. Passing on and on. Yeah? Imagine if the world was filled people of such gratitude and mentality. Not.

Somehow, that is one way to change the world. Yes, change the world, you read that right, unless you don't speak English. Changing the world does not require a common man to volunteer into endless hours of humanitarian works and stress. Changing the world never involved you sweating, screaming at pedestrians, worn out office men and house wives about donating dollars. You know what I think about changing the world?

Many of you might ask, how the heck am I supposed to change the world if I ain't god damn Angelina Jolie or rich? The answer is just to do what you like, follow your dreams and passion. And most importantly, don't try to be god damn Angelina Jolie. I'm serious.

Just by doing what you love, you could always change the world. That's because the world will never change if you don't change first. Do what you love, change yourself, love the society and world, and the world will change.

Here are 10 simple ways to change the world, if you're not god damn Angelina Jolie or possess her wealth.
1) Blood donation.
2) Recyle and reuse for godness sake.
3) Walk if your destination is short.
4) Adopt some pets. Yeah, show some love.
5) Spend some quality time with people.
6) "Paying it forward."
7) Watch what you say. Don't intentionally hurt others emotions.
8) Spend on brands that might help others. Choose brands that gives opportunities for others to succeed.
9) Follow your dreams.
10) Relax and watch the world change.

Don't forget to follow and love you all :D.


Thursday, 5 December 2013

Quote of the Day

Adventure. Adventure could possibly be the oxygen to joy and ravishing new experiences. Without it, we are all just flowers, waiting to wilt.

“I'd like to repeat the advice that I gave you before, in that I think you really should make a radical change in your lifestyle and begin to boldly do things which you may previously never have thought of doing, or been too hesitant to attempt. So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservatism, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality nothing is more damaging to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future. The very basic core of a man's living spirit is his passion for adventure. The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun. 

If you want to get more out of life, Ron, you must lose your inclination for monotonous security and adopt a helter-skelter style of life that will at first appear to you to be crazy. But once you become accustomed to such a life you will see its full meaning and its incredible beauty. And so, Ron, in short, get out of Salton City and hit the Road. I guarantee you will be very glad you did. But I fear that you will ignore my advice. You think that I am stubborn, but you are even more stubborn than me. You had a wonderful chance on your drive back to see one of the greatest sights on earth, the Grand Canyon, something every American should see at least once in his life. But for some reason incomprehensible to me you wanted nothing but to bolt for home as quickly as possible, right back to the same situation which you see day after day after day. I fear you will follow this same inclination in the future and thus fail to discover all the wonderful things that God has placed around us to discover. 

Don't settle down and sit in one place. Move around, be nomadic, make each day a new horizon. You are still going to live a long time, Ron, and it would be a shame if you did not take the opportunity to revolutionize your life and move into an entirely new realm of experience.

You are wrong if you think Joy emanates only or principally from human relationships. God has placed it all around us. It is in everything and anything we might experience. We just have to have the courage to turn against our habitual lifestyle and engage in unconventional living.

My point is that you do not need me or anyone else around to bring this new kind of light in your life. It is simply waiting out there for you to grasp it, and all you have to do is reach for it. The only person you are fighting is yourself and your stubbornness to engage in new circumstances.” 
 Jon KrakauerInto the Wild


An outcast or a pretender?

As you travel through time and ages, you might notice one message, a single sentence, standing out with pride. Be yourself.

"Be yourself" is something so common, that you could have even heard an eight year old uttering it. On basis, being yourself literally means stick to whoever you are, regardless of rejections, failures and upsets you might face. Well said, indeed. Teenagers, like me, will go through a period of time where maturity erupts in yourself. You begin to ask yourself, "Who am I? What do I want to do?" At hapless times like these, "being yourself" should guide everyone to their own paths. The question is however, how many people are still being themselves out there?

And now towards out title, an outcast or a pretender? School, friends, teachers, parents, exams, pressure? Sounds familiar? If you stick to who you are, you are bound to be a social outcast. If you follow trends and lets your peers choose who you are going to be you are already a pretender. So, which one is better? God damn it, idiots! Of course you should be yourself!

Don't be afraid to reject opinions or disagree. Let out your emotions. Just because most people say so, doesn't mean you should agree blindly. That only makes you a god damn pretender! I am not afraid to reject my friends opinions, at times I stick to my principles so hard that I get rejected so easily. For me, an outcast was never an outcast. They are just people who don't follow and burden themselves with what the society expects them to be. They like being themselves. That's how everyone who's reading the blog should do. Fight for your opinions and NEVER ever be a pretender.


Because Introductions are important :D

Namaste. Oh, who am I kidding? Hi peeps, the name is Thulasidasan. Yes, long, I know. I have always had wanted to start blogging. Blogging had always been an awkward alien world for me. While reading the forthcoming posts, you might stumble upon some embarrassing grammatical errors. Sorry bout that though.

Anyways, have fun reading forthcoming posts.